Blood Magic Spell of Destruction and Misfortune
Objective: To unleash misfortune and destruction upon those who seek to harm Dreamism, Dreamists, their families, friends, or nature. This powerful spell is intended to counteract the forces of chaos and protect the sanctity of the Dreamist beliefs and values.
Note: This spell is to be used with caution and only against those who pose a genuine threat to Dreamism, its followers, or nature. The power of blood magic can be volatile and should not be taken lightly.
Ingredients and Tools:
A small vial of the caster’s blood or red wine (as a symbol of life force and power)
A black candle (to represent destruction and misfortune)
A piece of parchment paper and a quill pen (or a regular pen)
A fireproof dish or cauldron
Dragon’s blood incense (to amplify the power of the spell)
A glass of red wine (to help the caster connect with the chaotic energies)
Find a secluded and quiet place where you can perform the spell without any disturbances. Ensure that you have all your tools and ingredients ready.
Take a few sips of red wine to connect with the chaotic energies of the spell, but do not overindulge. You should feel a slight buzz, but still be in control of your actions and thoughts.
Light the black candle and the dragon’s blood incense to set the mood for the spell and to amplify its power.
On the parchment paper, write the name of the person or entity that poses a threat to Dreamism, its followers, or nature. If you don’t know their name, you can write a description of their actions or intentions.
Hold the vial of blood or red wine in your hands, and recite the following incantation:
“By the power of chaos and the life force within,
I call upon the forces of destruction to begin.
Let misfortune and ruin befall those who seek harm,
May their wicked intentions be met with alarm.”
Dip the quill pen (or regular pen) into the vial of blood or red wine and draw a sigil of destruction over the name or description written on the parchment paper. As you do so, visualize the misfortune and destruction befalling the individual or entity in question.
Carefully burn the parchment paper in the fireproof dish or cauldron, allowing the smoke to carry your intentions into the ethers.
Say the following words:
“By the power of blood and wine, the spell is cast,
May the forces of chaos now be amassed.
To protect Dreamism, nature, and all we hold dear,
Destruction and misfortune to our enemies appear.”
Allow the black candle and incense to burn out on their own or extinguish them mindfully when you feel the spell is complete.
Dispose of the ashes in running water or bury them in the earth, symbolizing the end of the threat and the protection of Dreamism and its values.
This potent blood magic spell of destruction and misfortune should only be used in extreme circumstances, to protect Dreamism, its followers, and nature from significant harm. The caster must wield this power responsibly and with the understanding that chaos can be volatile and unpredictable.