Blood Magic Divination

This powerful blood magic divination spell is intended to reveal hidden truths or grant clarity in times of uncertainty. Remember to use this spell responsibly and in alignment with the values of Dreamism. The use of blood in this spell represents your commitment and seriousness in your intention, as well as drawing on your own life force to deepen the magic.


A small vial of your own blood or red wine (use with care and responsibility)
A white or purple candle
A bowl of water
A piece of paper and pen
A quiet, secluded space

Prepare your ritual space by ensuring it is clean and free of distractions. Light the white or purple candle, and place the bowl of water in front of you.

Ground and center yourself, focusing on the purpose of the spell. Meditate on the question or situation for which you seek clarity or revelation.

Write your question or the topic you seek insight into on the piece of paper. Be specific and concise.

Chant the following incantation:

“By the sacred bond of blood and spirit,
I call upon the powers of truth and light,
Reveal to me the answers hidden deep,
Guide my soul, my path, and my sight.”

Carefully pour a few drops of your blood or red wine onto the paper, visualizing your commitment and the seriousness of your intention. Feel the energy of your life force being channeled into the spell.

Fold the paper and place it in the bowl of water, allowing the ink to dissolve and the paper to become soaked. As the paper absorbs the water, imagine the energies of the universe revealing the answers you seek.

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Focus on the question or situation at hand, and remain open to any insights, images, or thoughts that come to mind. These may be subtle, so pay close attention.

Once you feel the spell is complete, extinguish the candle, and dispose of the paper and water responsibly. You may bury the paper or release it into a body of water to symbolize the release of the hidden knowledge into the universe.

Reflect on the insights gained during the ritual, and remember to act in accordance with the values of Dreamism. Blood magic is powerful and should be used carefully and with consideration for the potential consequences.

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