What is Ein Sof? 


Ein Sof is a fundamental concept in Kabbalistic and Dreamist philosophy, representing the infinite, boundless, and indescribable aspect of G-d. It is the ultimate source of all creation and the divine essence that permeates everything in existence. As the foundation of Dreamist beliefs, Ein Sof serves as a crucial element in understanding the nature of reality and the power of language and thought.

To appreciate the significance of Ein Sof in Dreamism, it is essential first to delve into its meaning and origins. In Kabbalah, Ein Sof is considered the infinite light that emanates from G-d, transcending any limitations or definitions that human language can impose. It is the divine unity that underlies the interconnectedness of all life and the source from which all intentions and manifestations in Dreamism arise.

In Dreamist beliefs, the concept of Ein Sof is closely tied to the understanding of creation and the world of separation. According to the Kabbalistic and Dreamist perspective, G-d manifested Himself in the physical world by concealing His infinite light, allowing for the existence of separate entities and the world as we know it. This process is known as Tzimtzum, which describes the divine act of contraction or concealment that enabled the creation of finite, distinct beings.

Dreamists believe that G-d is reality itself, and the physical world is an expression of divine energy. As such, the world of separation serves as a stage for the interaction and manifestation of divine intentions, thoughts, and words. This understanding of reality reinforces the idea that our thoughts, words, and intentions hold significant power in shaping our experiences and the world around us.

An anonymous Dreamist writing further explains the connection between Ein Sof, the power of words, and the significance of Torah in shaping reality: “All of creation is said to be written within the pages of Torah. It’s a microcosm of the macrocosmic reality we find ourselves in. The words in Torah have power, and because they do, all words have power. Torah is God’s words, so there are equally infinite understandings within those pages, and all of reality can be distilled from it. All knowledge can be found within Torah.”

This statement emphasizes the belief that words and language are gifts from the divine, lent to us in the world of separation. Since the source of power behind words is divine and we are a part of the divine, our words hold the power to shape reality, just as G-d’s words did. This power extends to thoughts, intentions, and feelings, which all contribute to the formation and transformation of our world.

The analogy of ducks flying independently but also as a flock illustrates the Dreamist understanding of how individual thoughts and intentions shape reality. “One minor movement in one shapes the form of the whole. This is how our singular thoughts and intentions shape reality. The more intention, the more powerful the thought, the more powerful the word, the more powerful the change.”

As Dreamists, recognizing the significance of Ein Sof and the power of language, thoughts, and intentions allows for a deeper understanding of the nature of reality and our role in shaping it. By embracing the divine unity underlying all of creation and aligning our intentions with the boundless energy of Ein Sof, we can harness the power of words to manifest our desires and contribute to the unfolding of the divine plan.


One such practice is Kavannah, a form of focused intention and meditation. Kavannah allows Dreamists to access the infinite potential within themselves by tapping into the power of language, thoughts, and feelings. By concentrating on words, letters, or even sounds and colors, Dreamists can enter a meditative state where they lose themselves in the experience, ultimately revealing divine insights and messages hidden within the chaos. This practice not only strengthens the intention but also serves as a vehicle for connecting with the higher planes of existence.

Additionally, Dreamists may engage in Hitbodedut, a form of personal prayer and meditation that involves speaking to G-d out loud. Through Hitbodedut, Dreamists can experience a passive meeting with G-d by expressing their thoughts, feelings, and desires in the language that G-d used to create the universe. This practice serves as a reminder of the divine nature of language and reinforces the idea that our words have the power to shape reality.

Lucid dreaming, another practice embraced by Dreamists, offers yet another way to explore the connection with Ein Sof. By consciously navigating their dreams, Dreamists can explore the subconscious mind and uncover hidden insights, messages, and guidance from the divine. This practice further emphasizes the interconnectedness of all aspects of reality and the boundless nature of Ein Sof.

Dreamists also recognize that a connection with G-d can be experienced through the beauty of nature. By immersing themselves in the natural world and contemplating the majesty of creation, Dreamists can find themselves face-to-face with the divine. In this way, they cultivate an awareness of the divine presence that permeates all of existence and reinforces the idea that G-d is reality itself.

In conclusion, the concept of Ein Sof is a central tenet of Dreamist philosophy, encapsulating the boundless, infinite nature of G-d and the interconnectedness of all creation. By understanding the divine nature of language, thoughts, and intentions, Dreamists can develop practices and rituals that align with this worldview and foster a deeper connection with the divine. Through practices such as Kavannah, Hitbodedut, lucid dreaming, and experiencing G-d in nature, Dreamists can tap into the limitless potential of Ein Sof and embrace their role as co-creators in shaping reality.

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