Fall Equinox Ritual for Dreamists
The Fall Equinox, also known as Mabon or the Autumnal Equinox, marks the balance between light and darkness, as day and night are of equal length. For Dreamists, this is a time to honor the harvest, express gratitude for the abundance provided by the Earth, and prepare for the introspective months ahead. The following Fall Equinox ritual can be performed individually or as a group.
Choose an outdoor space surrounded by the colors and symbols of autumn, such as a park or forest, to connect with the energy of the season. Gather the following items:
Autumn leaves, representing the changing colors and energies of the season
A small dish of seeds or nuts, symbolizing the harvest and the potential for new growth
A brown or orange candle, representing the balance between light and darkness
Incense or dried herbs, such as sage or cinnamon, to cleanse and purify the space
A small bowl of water, to honor the balance between the elements and the cycles of nature
Cleansing the Space
Light the incense or dried herbs and gently fan the smoke around your ritual space, purifying the area and inviting positive energy. Say a prayer or chant to invoke the presence of the divine and set your intentions for the ritual.
Lighting the Candle
Light the brown or orange candle, acknowledging the balance between light and darkness during the Fall Equinox. As you do so, say a prayer or chant to honor the creator and express gratitude for the cycles of nature and the abundance of the harvest.
Leaf Offering
Arrange the autumn leaves around the candle as an offering to the divine, acknowledging the beauty and wisdom of the changing seasons. Say a prayer or chant to honor the creator and express gratitude for the lessons and growth provided by the passage of time.
Seed or Nut Tasting
Take a small taste of the seeds or nuts, savoring the nourishment and potential they represent. Share the seeds or nuts with others participating in the ritual, if applicable. As you enjoy them, express gratitude for the blessings and abundance in your life, and set intentions to plant seeds of positive change and growth for the future.
Water Blessing
Hold the bowl of water and bless it with your intentions for balance, nourishment, and the harmonious interaction of the elements in the cycles of nature. Sprinkle the water over the leaves and the ritual space, as a symbolic gesture of gratitude for the balance of elements that support life on Earth.
Closing the Ritual
Extinguish the candle, giving thanks to the creator for the blessings of the Fall Equinox and the balance of light and darkness. Dispose of the ritual items respectfully, such as returning the leaves to nature or composting them, and keeping the remnants of the seeds or nuts and water in a sacred space to remind you of the abundance of the season.
Carry the energy and intentions of the Fall Equinox ritual with you throughout the season, celebrating the harvest and abundance of life, and working towards tikkun olam with a renewed sense of balance and introspection.