Spell for Healing
Ingredients and items needed:
A small bowl of water (preferably spring or rainwater)
A small dish of salt
A white or green candle
A piece of paper and a pen
A healing crystal (such as clear quartz, amethyst, or rose quartz)
Essential oil of lavender or eucalyptus (optional)
Begin by finding a quiet, peaceful space where you can perform the spell without distractions. Make sure you have all the necessary ingredients and items within reach.
Light the white or green candle, representing the healing energy you wish to channel. As you light the candle, say the following incantation:
“Divine light, shine down upon me,
Guide my hands, my heart, my mind,
As I call upon the healing powers within,
To mend what’s broken and restore balance.”
Take the piece of paper and pen, and write down the name of the person, pet, or people in need of healing. If you’re performing the spell for yourself, write your own name.
Hold the healing crystal in your hands, and close your eyes. Focus your intentions on the crystal, imbuing it with your desire for healing and well-being.
Place the crystal on top of the written name, and say the following incantation:
“By the power of this sacred stone,
I call forth the healing energies of the universe,
To mend the body, mind, and spirit, Of those in need, both near and far.
Let the crystal’s energy flow,
Restoring balance, wholeness, and harmony.”
Sprinkle a pinch of salt into the bowl of water, symbolizing the purification and cleansing of any negative energies or blockages. If you’re using essential oil, add a few drops to the water as well.
Dip your fingers into the water and gently sprinkle it over the crystal and the name on the paper, saying:
“By the power of water and salt,
I cleanse away any negativity,
Allowing the healing energies to flow freely,
Bringing health, vitality, and peace.”
Visualize the healing energies enveloping the person, pet, or people in need, soothing their pain, and mending what’s broken. Allow this visualization to fill your heart with love and compassion.
Let the candle burn down completely, or extinguish it if you must leave the area, knowing that the spell is complete and the healing energies are at work.
Keep the crystal close to you or the person, pet, or people in need of healing, as a reminder of the healing energies and intentions you’ve set forth.
Remember that the power of this spell lies in your intention and connection with the divine. Trust in the process and the healing energies of the universe, and know that you are contributing to the well-being and balance of those in need.
As a dreamist, you understand that the power of intention, combined with your connection to the divine, can manifest healing and positive change in the world. By performing this healing spell, you are actively participating in the greater mission of tikkun olam, repairing the world and restoring balance, one healing moment at a time.
It’s important to remember that this spell should be used in conjunction with appropriate medical care and support. Magic can be a powerful ally in healing, but it should not replace professional guidance and treatment when needed.
Stay connected to your dreamist beliefs and practices as you continue on your journey, and trust in the power of intention, the divine, and your own ability to manifest positive change in the world around you.
Extinguish the candles, representing the closing of the Sabbath and the transition back to the work ahead. As you do this, take a deep breath and let the energy of the ritual settle within you.
Close the ritual by saying:
“May the spirit of the Sabbath remain with us,
As we journey forth to create a world of harmony and love.
So be it.”
After completing the ritual, take some time to bask in the peaceful energy it has created. Carry this energy with you as you move into the week ahead, using it as a source of strength and inspiration to guide your actions and choices.