
Reality is being rendered

In a video game, elements outside of your field of view are not rendered, as rendering them would be an unnecessary use of resources. Reality seems to operate in a similar manner, and the double-slit experiment provides evidence for this. Researchers aimed to determine whether light behaved as a wave or a particle, discovering that it exhibits characteristics of both, depending on whether or not it is being observed. This finding suggests that reality indeed shifts based on our observation of it.

“Is the universe holographic? Probably. Get microscopic enough and you start seeing pixels. I don’t know about you, but that makes me laugh. Until I think about how easy it is to hack a program. Any program.” ― Steven Erikson, Rejoice

Sacred geometry

Sound without order is just noise, with order however, it’s music. The same can be said with all forms of art. Anyone can scribble onto a canvas and make a mess, but true order brings about fine art. Everything from the helix of your DNA to the atoms that make up your body submit to order so that you can draw breath. We’re programmed to recognize patterns and order because it’s our highest calling. The concept of tikkun olam tells us that repairing the world is our sole purpose for being here, and perfecting our souls.

“The sacred formula of positivism: love as a principle, the order as a foundation, and progress as a goal.” ― Auguste Comte.

Truth, like all things, is relative

Take the color green, for example. We might agree that a certain color is green, but how can we be sure that we are all perceiving the same hue? If we both look at an apple and agree it is red, who’s to say that your perception of red isn’t someone else’s purple? From your viewpoint, you are correct, and from another person’s, they are correct too.
In essence, everyone can be right simultaneously, based on their own perspective. Reality is ultimately a matter of perception and how our limited, human faculties interpret the information presented to us.

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.
― Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Reality isn’t locally real

Why is that important? Well, like in a program the concept of distance wouldn’t matter. Think of a game, when you’re playing the character, the distance that you travel in the game is a construct of the program, same as the way time moves in a game. This concept applies to our world through quantum entanglement. Quantum entanglement is when two particles link together in a certain way no matter how far apart they are in space. Their state remains the same. This would only work in a program, where distance has no tangible meaning.

“If you believe that you are NOT omnipresent, omniscient and ultimately omnipotent – you are delusional. If you believe that you are separate from that which you call God, then you are living a lie.” ― Kevin Michel

So, what is our mission?
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