Dreamist Ritual to Ward Off the Yetzer Hara
Items needed:
A white candle
Incense (preferably frankincense or sandalwood)
A small bowl of water
A small bowl of salt
A piece of paper and a pen
A fireproof container or small cauldron
Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can perform the ritual undisturbed. This can be indoors or outdoors, as long as it is a place where you feel safe and at peace.
Begin by lighting the white candle and incense, placing them in front of you. The candle represents purity and the divine light, while the incense aids in purifying the space and creating a sacred atmosphere.
Take a few deep breaths, centering yourself and clearing your mind. Visualize a protective barrier surrounding you, made of divine light that keeps any negative energies or influences at bay.
On the piece of paper, write down any negative thoughts, habits, or temptations that you feel are connected to your yetzer hara (evil inclination). Be honest with yourself and take the time to reflect on what you would like to overcome or let go of.
Once you have finished writing, take the small bowl of water and sprinkle it on the paper. As you do this, say a prayer or affirmation to cleanse these negative aspects from your life. You may say something like, “With this water, I cleanse and purify myself of these negative inclinations. I release their hold on me and welcome the light of the divine to guide me towards righteousness and goodness.”
Next, take the small bowl of salt and sprinkle it over the wet paper, further symbolizing the purification process. As you do this, say another prayer or affirmation, such as, “With this salt, I strengthen my resolve and commitment to overcome my yetzer hara. I embrace the divine guidance and protection that helps me walk the path of tikkun olam, repairing myself and the world.”
Fold the paper in half, symbolically sealing away the negative energies it contains. Holding the paper over the fireproof container or small cauldron, set it on fire using the flame from the white candle. As the paper burns, visualize the negative thoughts and habits being transformed and released, allowing room for positive change and growth in your life.
Once the paper has burned completely, take a moment to meditate on the experience, focusing on the transformation and release of your yetzer hara. Feel the divine light within you, empowering you to continue on your journey of self-improvement and spiritual growth.
Close the ritual by expressing gratitude for the guidance and protection you have received. Extinguish the candle and incense, and dispose of the ashes from the burned paper in a respectful manner, preferably by burying them in the earth or scattering them in a natural setting.
As you go about your daily life, remind yourself of the commitment you made during the ritual to overcome your yetzer hara. Stay mindful of the divine guidance and protection that surrounds you, empowering you to make positive changes in your life and contributing to tikkun olam.
It is important to practice self-compassion and patience as you work on overcoming your yetzer hara. Personal growth and transformation are ongoing processes, and setbacks are natural. Remember that each time you resist a negative inclination or make a positive change, you are strengthening your connection with the divine and bringing more balance and harmony to the world.
You may choose to perform this ritual periodically as a way to reaffirm your commitment to overcoming your yetzer hara and to maintain a strong connection with the divine. Regular self-reflection and spiritual practice, such as meditation, prayer, and engaging in acts of kindness, will also help support you on your journey of self-improvement and spiritual growth.
By incorporating this ritual into your dreamist practice, you can actively work towards releasing the hold of your yetzer hara and embracing the light and guidance of the divine. In doing so, you contribute to the ultimate goal of tikkun olam, repairing the world within yourself and fostering positive change in the world around you.