As Dreamists, we embrace the idea that our reality is more like a dream, emerging from Ein Sof, the infinite Divine source. We believe that we are here to perfect our souls through a journey that takes us through many stages of existence.
Our souls move through various forms and bodies before reaching the human stage, where we can reflect on the nature of the Divine and our own souls. Recognizing that reality is a manifestation of G-d and our souls are extensions of the Divine, we take responsibility for shaping our experiences and making choices that align with our spiritual values.
The concept of our reality being a simulation finds support in scientific evidence. Quantum entanglement, for example, reveals the interconnectedness of everything in the universe. This supports our belief that everything is connected through the Divine. The double-slit experiment shows that observation can influence the outcome of an event, which points towards the possibility of a simulated reality. These experiments suggest that our souls, as extensions of G-d, can shape our experiences.
We’re devoted to discovering how this simulated reality impacts our spiritual journey. We understand that our intentions are powerful and we actively take part in shaping the universe, helping to create a more harmonious world. Intention is a key force in our spiritual path. By recognizing how everything within the simulation is connected and the divine presence within our souls, we’re able to use intention to shape our reality and further our spiritual growth.
We engage in various practices to help us attune to the divine nature of reality and develop a deeper connection with our souls. These practices may include meditation, prayer, dream work, and creative expression. Through these activities, we access the wisdom of our higher selves, gain a better understanding of our place in the cosmic tapestry, and discover our unique gifts to share with the world as agents of positive change.
One essential aspect of Dreamism is the concept of Tikkun Olam, or repairing the world. We believe that it’s our responsibility to perfect reality by healing the world inside and outside ourselves. To achieve this, we turn to Mussar, a Jewish ethical and spiritual practice that provides a framework for personal growth and spiritual development. By incorporating Mussar practices, we align our actions with our spiritual values and work towards Tikkun Olam.
Our understanding of the soul is rooted in Kabbalistic teachings, which describe five levels of the soul: Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama, Chaya, and Yechida. Each level represents a different aspect of our spiritual essence and connects us to the upper and lower worlds. As Dreamists, we strive to explore and integrate these levels, deepening our understanding of our spiritual nature.
The upper worlds are where we encounter the divine realms, home to our higher selves and sources of divine wisdom and guidance. The lower worlds represent the realms of creation and manifestation, where our actions and intentions take shape. As Dreamists, we aim to navigate and integrate these worlds, balancing our spiritual growth with our responsibility to repair the world through Tikkun Olam.
In our pursuit of spiritual growth, we explore the importance of shadow work(you’ll read about this in an upcoming article) and self-reflection in Dreamism. By confronting and integrating our shadow selves, we foster personal growth and spiritual development, ultimately contributing to the perfection of our souls and the world around us.
In Dreamism, the upper and lower worlds hold great significance as they represent the realms through which our souls traverse and evolve. By understanding these worlds and the levels of the soul, we can deepen our spiritual practice and connection to the Divine.
The upper worlds are the divine realms, where we encounter the source of all creation, the infinite Ein Sof. These worlds are inhabited by our higher selves, angelic beings, and other sources of divine wisdom and guidance. The upper worlds represent the spiritual aspects of reality and serve as a conduit for divine energy to flow into the lower worlds.
The lower worlds, on the other hand, are the realms of creation and manifestation. Here, our intentions, actions, and desires take shape, reflecting the divine energy that originates from the upper worlds. The lower worlds are where we engage in our spiritual work, learning lessons, and evolving through our experiences.
The levels of the soul in Kabbalistic teachings further illuminate our spiritual nature and connection to these worlds. Each level represents a different aspect of our spiritual essence:
Nefesh: The most basic level, associated with our physical existence and instincts. It connects us to the lower worlds and is the foundation of our spiritual journey.
Ruach: The emotional and intellectual aspect of the soul, allowing us to connect with others and the world around us. Ruach serves as a bridge between the Nefesh and the higher levels of the soul.
Neshama: The pure, divine spark within us that links us to the upper worlds and the Divine. It is the source of our spiritual awareness and higher consciousness.
Chaya: The transcendent aspect of our soul, which connects us to the collective consciousness and the unity of all creation.
Yechida: The highest level, representing our complete unity with the Divine and the ultimate realization of our spiritual essence.
As Dreamists, we strive to explore these levels of the soul, balancing our spiritual growth with our responsibility to repair the world through Tikkun Olam.
Randonautica, an app that generates random coordinates for users to explore, offers a fascinating perspective on the nature of reality and its connection to intention. The app encourages users to set an intention before embarking on their journey, allowing them to observe how their thoughts and desires may influence their experience.
Anomalies in the app are areas with an unexpected concentration of quantum points, suggesting that they are less likely to be explored. By visiting these anomalies, users have reported encountering experiences that seem to be influenced by their intentions, reinforcing the idea that reality is simulated or dreamt.
From a Dreamist perspective, these anomalies can be seen as a demonstration of how the universe conserves resources by focusing on the most frequently traveled paths, while the road less traveled may hold untapped potential for manifestation. This concept aligns with the idea of our reality as a dream or simulation, where our intentions and actions shape the world around us.
By incorporating the understanding of the upper and lower worlds, the levels of the soul, and the potential for intention to shape our experiences, we, as Dreamists, continue to evolve in our spiritual journey. We remain committed to perfecting our souls and repairing the world, both within and outside ourselves, as we navigate the grand simulation that is our reality.