Dreamist Spell for Luck

This Dreamist spell for luck aims to invite positive energy, abundance, and fortunate opportunities into your life. The spell can be performed individually or with a group, amplifying its power through shared intentions.

Select a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus on your intentions. Gather the following items:
A green or gold candle, representing luck, abundance, and prosperity
A small dish of dried herbs, such as basil, cinnamon, or cloves, symbolizing good fortune and success
A piece of aventurine or another luck-enhancing crystal, to amplify your intentions
A small piece of paper and a pen or pencil
Incense or sage, to cleanse the space and invite positive energy
Cleansing the Space
Light the incense or sage, and gently fan the smoke around your ritual space to purify the area and dispel any negative energies. Say a prayer or chant to invoke the presence of the divine and set your intentions for the spell.

Writing Your Intentions
On the small piece of paper, write down your intentions for luck, abundance, and prosperity. Be specific about the areas of your life where you seek good fortune and success. Fold the paper and place it beneath the candle.

Lighting the Candle
Light the green or gold candle, focusing on your intentions for luck and the divine energy that flows through all things. Say a prayer or chant to honor the creator and ask for their assistance in inviting good fortune into your life.

Herb Offering
Hold the dish of dried herbs in your hands, envisioning the positive energies of good fortune and success flowing into them. As you do this, say a prayer or chant to express gratitude for the blessings and opportunities that come your way. Sprinkle the herbs around the base of the candle.

Crystal Activation
Hold the aventurine or luck-enhancing crystal in your hands, focusing on its energy and your intentions for luck. Say a prayer or chant to charge the crystal with your intentions, then place it near the candle.

Meditative Focus
Sit comfortably and meditate on your intentions for luck, abundance, and prosperity, visualizing the positive energy of the spell manifesting in your life. Feel the connection to the divine and the collective power of Dreamists working towards tikkun olam.

Closing the Spell
Once the candle has burned down completely, take the charged crystal and carry it with you as a talisman for good luck. Dispose of the herbs and candle remnants respectfully, such as by returning them to nature or composting them. Keep the folded piece of paper with your intentions in a sacred space, as a reminder of your commitment to attracting good fortune and working towards a better world.

May this Dreamist spell for luck bring you the blessings, abundance, and opportunities you seek, as you continue on your journey of spiritual growth and tikkun olam.

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